
Dalamatic Cased DLMC

Simply the Best

The Donaldson Torit® DCE® Dalamatic® is an automatic reverse-jet fabric filter baghouse dust collector. It is most suitable for continuous process applications involving heavy-duty product recovery, or collection of large concentrations of nuisance dust, where high collection efficiencies and dust control are required.

The Dalamatic® Cased (DLMC) is a stand-alone collector with support legs and hopper. The inlet is at the top of the collector to drive dusty air down towards the hopper. This downward air pattern helps to keep dust pulsed off of the bags moving towards the hopper and therefore reduces dust re-entrainment on the bags. This makes the DLMC a popular choice for light and fluffy dust applications.

Dalamatic Cased DLMC

Provides continuous filtration of high dust concentrations at high filtration velocities and constant levels of resistance in almost any industry and application.

Unique modular design allows for installation in the most space restricted areas. Envelope-shaped bags maximize the amount of media in a given space and allow for increased space between bags, minimizing the chances of bridging.

Provide better surface loading and better pulse cleaning reducing maintenance and operating costs.

Optional Helix Tube Filters with laminated ePTFE membrane provide higher filtration efficiency resulting in lower emissions. Filters take up to 25% less time to replace thus reducing maintenance costs.

A full range of sizes and types of bags are available for a wide variety of dust collection applications.

The Dalamatic advantage is found in the breakthrough technology of Dura-Life bag filters in an envelope shape. The envelope shape provides greater movement of the bag to dislodge more challenging dust cakes during filter pulsing.

  • Dust accumulates on the outer surface of the filter bag as air penetrates the media.
  • The blowpipe (jet tube) injects a burst of compressed air into the bag filter.
  • Airflow is then briefly reversed, inflating the bag filter and dislodging dust.
  • The dislodged dust cake falls into the collection hopper for final removal or directly back in the process. The envelope-shaped bag filter, which is mounted on a unique wire frame, ensures optimum airflow and thorough cleaning.

Dust collectors use bag filters in an envelope shape to ensure optimum airflow and thorough cleaning of the fabric. In combination with Dura-Life filter media though you can benefit from additional advantages. Dura-Life bags are engineered with a unique hydroentanglement process providing more uniform material with much smaller pores and the following advantages:

  • Better surface loading
  • Better cleaning
  • Twice to three times longer bag life
  • Reduced maintenance costs
  • Capacity to filter air volumes from 2,550 up to 130,000 m?/h
  • Standard units equipped with bags and horizontal bag removal
  • Modular design gives dimensional and capacity flexibility
  • Downward airflow pattern minimizes dust re-entrainment
  • Support structures available to meet local site conditions