
Air Knocker Controller

Opecon AOC-1B (Pneumatically Operated)

This is the simplest control panel that is operated without electricity.

Typical Applications
AOC1B Controller Img
AOC-1B Controller
AOC1B Installated Img
Compact design
AOC1B Control Knob
Control knob for stroke interval adjustment
AOC1B Relay Piping Img
Operate up to three air knockers using relay piping
Technical Data
ModelConstructionWorking Pressure (MPa)Working Fluid Temperature (℃)Stroke Cycle (times / min)Approximate Dimensions
(L x B x H) (mm)
Mass (kg)
AOC-1BIndoor/Outdoor0.3 ~ 0.75 ~ 5012 ~ 60171 x 67 x 200 1.4

* Since the controller is pneumatically controlled, the actual stroke cycle may vary slightly.

* Not suitable for RKV/RKD120PA.