
Dalamatic Insertable DLMV

The Donaldson Torit® DCE® Dalamatic® is an automatic reverse-jet fabric filter baghouse dust collector. It is most suitable for continuous process applications involving heavy-duty product recovery, or collection of large concentrations of nuisance dust, where high collection efficiencies and dust control are required.

The Dalamatic Insertable (DLMV) is a versatile collector that can be inserted into various applications, such as bins, silos, bunkers or transfer points.

Dalamatic Insertable DLMV

Dust collectors use bag filters in an envelope shape to ensure optimum airflow and thorough cleaning of the fabric. In combination with Dura-Life filter media though you can benefit from additional advantages. Dura-Life bags are engineered with a unique hydroentanglement process providing more uniform material with much smaller pores and the following advantages:

  • Better surface loading
  • Better cleaning
  • Twice to three times longer bag life
  • Reduced maintenance costs
  • 25 configurations
  • Uses positive pressure of the conveying air or can be fan powered to generate airflow into the dust collector where a negative pressure exists in the process
  • Can be inserted into hood enclosures at belt transfer points, bucket elevator casings, ribbon blenders and receiving hoppers
  • Insertable approach reduces or eliminates ducting costs; minimized ducting can also result in reduced energy costs